
The content of the magazine consists of two main parts:

  • peer-reviewed part – texts that have the character of a scientific study. These are current, original, authorial, not yet published and have all the requisites required by default for a scientific text (references to sources, note apparatus, citation usage). The texts go through an anonymous review process.
    • Including texts within the category
      • Study
      • Review articles

 non-peer-reviewed part – reviews, reports from the field events (conferences, seminars, workshops, discoveries…) and discussions – approved by the editor-in-chief.

    • Including texts within the category
      • Reviews
      • Discussions
      • Reports
      • Documents
      • Interviews

The text’s final inclusion in either the peer-reviewed or non-peer-reviewed part of the journal is decided based on reviews, exclusively by the editorial board and the editor-in-chief.